Found this fabric on citycraftonline. Wouldn't it make a neat-o mini dress? Oohhh with a white top....
I want to learn how to sew this next year. I've been looking around for a sewing machine to use this summer and hopefully take back to the dorm once school starts again. My friend Chloe makes dresses often and I'm pretty sure she needs to share her know-how with me.
Oh, and for all you not-my-mom-or-boyfrienders out there, my first year of school is OV-ER and I am so so happy about that. College is fun and all that, but I really worked my ass off this year. I'm hoping for a summer of art, reading, and working for actual payment. I applied at Starbucks yesterday, we'll see how that goes :)
I'm switching majors from Theatre to Graphic Design and Creative Writing. So exciting!! Hopefully my new knowledge will help me become a better blogger. That's always the goal, right?
Here's a few finds from that I pulled today. I'm trying to build up an even bigger collection of inspiration for my oncoming semester in the big-bad design world. Lord I'm excited!
love, rudi